Category Archives: Birthday


Rapidly Growing Up? Knot So Fast

Just two days ago, Tiger turned 10-months old. Did 10-months really pass by that quickly? Have we really been living here on the East Coast for 4 whole months already? Wow, time really does fly when you’re busy. In honor of Tiger’s 10-month birthday, guess what we did? A nice night on the town? Nope. Shower him with clothes and toys? Nope, he already has lots of both. Take him to his favorite store, Target? Nope…we stayed home because of the constant NJ thunderstorms and for some odd reason, Tiger decided to stand up near our coffee table, lose his balance, and as a result, got a nice knot above his eye.

The knot above his eye looked bad on Tuesday and I felt terrible about it, but he’s gotta learn someday that life’s full of bumps and bruises…it’s just too bad it had to be today. All was well with Tiger the next day though…so well in fact, that he now goes to the same coffee table and purposely bangs his head against it. Ah, boys will be boys.


Happy 3-Month Birthday!

Another month has quickly gone by and Tiger’s getting so big now. To see a collection of pictures from a few things we’ve done this past month, checkout the slideshow area under “Tiger Pics”.