Category Archives: Checkups


And the Results Are In: 3-Month Checkup

We were a few days overdue for our 3-month checkup visit, but Ryland came in at a whopping 13.85 pounds and measured 24 inches long during yesterday’s checkup! Although mommy and daddy’s collective arms are being tested everytime we pick him up to carry him, we’re glad that he’s gaining the weight he needs to gain, and is getting longer and longer by the day.

As for vaccines, little Tiger got two shots yesterday (can’t remember which shots), but resulted in a slight fever and loss of appetite last night. Hopefully he feels much better today as he’s resting at home with mommy during this 3-day rainstorm that’s moving through LA.


2-month Checkup and Vaccines

Ryland just had his 2-month checkup and a vaccine shot yesterday and he now weighs a nice, 11.5 pounds.  At the 1-month checkup, he was in the 9 pound range, so he’s definitely growing.  He was 21 inches long at 1-month and is now at 22.5 inches long.  Our vaccine schedule is pretty steady, so he just got an oral vaccine and one shot at this visit.  He took the shot pretty well (cried for about 10 seconds), then seemed to forget about it.

We had a busy day yesterday, as we took him to my work yesterday after his doctor’s appointment, but he managed to behave really well, despite being extremely tired.  He actually slept for over 2 hours (in a row) last night, proving how tired he really was.  We’re now getting ready to head to San Diego for the weekend…hopefully it doesn’t rain.